Wednesday, November 4, 2009

from the mouths of babes

As my 9 yr old daughter, Julia and my 6 yr old goddaughter, Tatum finished playing the silly game ,Mother May I? , they sat on the floor rehashing the game.
"Julia....I like the alligator steps best."
"Yeah, and the snake slide forward. I hate the elephant steps backward... and the baby steps...I would've beat you if it wasn't for those."
They begged to play one more game, but I started scooting them off to bed.
Tatum looked at me out of the corner of her eye, then back to my daughter and whispered loudly " Julia....your mom is weird...but FABULOUS!."
This statement has spent the last 2 years flying around in my head, attacking old ideas, giving birth to new ones, requiring me to define weird.. and fabulous. God lifts my chin and as I gaze into His face I want to be obedient to start writing what He has given me to think about. So, have fun with me on the journey as I struggle to unearth what He wants to show


  1. I am so excited to have a new and fabulous blog to read! Yay!

  2. Oh, BTW, this is Lisa. Just in case you didn't recognize me.

  3. I would love to go on a journey with you! You are such a joy and a sweet aroma to all! smiles & hugs Cori!

  4. Love this, Cori! You are definitely weird but fabulous! :) I love that you're amused by your flesh. That's a refreshing outlook I hope to adopt.

  5. I'd say you're more fabulous than weird! God sure has blessed you with a way for words. Can't wait to see where he leads you, us. Love you sis!


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